Friday, August 9, 2013

Sing United

It was a beautiful evening in Minnesota to Sing United!  Combined choirs from Target, Ameriprise, Wells Fargo and General Mills gathered at Lake Harriet Bandshell for the 2nd Annual event.  Our evening emcee was Bob Hines, who did a fabulous job of giving a little history of each choir before they went on stage.

Choirs varied in size and abilities, and sang everything from secular to popular show tunes. Carsten, the director of the Wells Fargo Choir, has been directing the choir for over 30 years!  The Target Spots even shared some show choir abilities as they danced and sang on stage! 

We concluded the concert with four songs:

I Sing Out
What a Wonderful World
Life's a Happy Song

JoBeth has been directing the GMI Choir for 9 years.
The General Mills Choir sang Blue Moon, African Alleluia, Dodi Li and For Good (from Wicked).

We were smaller in number at this summer show than at our winter events.  Being new to this employee club, I guess that is standard. We definitely need to think about some recruiting ideas to add to our numbers at General Mills.  More often than not, when I say to someone at work that I'm in the choir, the reply is "we have a choir?". 

I have really enjoyed singing with a large choir again.  Amazing how much I've missed being in the group!  The goosebumps continued to adorn my arms as the evening went along.  It is so fulfilling to see the generations fill the seats before us!  Little ones danced in front of the stage all evening, passers-by with dogs on leashes stopped for a listen, and the friends & family who cheered us on kept the smiling & singing contagious. 

I do believe that we did our part to Sing United and spread the joy of music!

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