Thursday, September 23, 2010


On the cusp of another 29th birthday, I find myself pondering my own mortality.  I've also reached that age where I read the obituaries more frequently than the comics.  I often wondered why my Mother read them when I saw her take the paper to her chair.  I am thinking it was to see if she recognized anyone.  Now I find myself doing the same.  Today, there are far too many people under 50 in the obituaries.  Most often, the cause of death is not listed.  Cancer and "long battle with illness" are the most common.

I've begun to think about retirement lately too.  With JP being 9 years older than I am, I'd like to spend some of those golden years together, without having to worry about working 9to5.  Reality or fiction?  Time will tell, I guess.  I realize that retirement is not all it's cracked up to be, so I guess what I'd rather see happen is that we would become financially stable and be able to take at least two trips together annually to places we've dreamed of visiting...  while we're still healthy and our knees work!

All of this life-analyzing comes more frequently than once a year of course, but it's more prominent on the cusp of a birthday for me.  In case heaven catches me off-guard someday, sooner than I'm ready to go (but Lord, please let that be before I'm 93).,.  I've decided that I would like a celebration of life.  A funny orator, no stiff clergy.  No sad songs.  Legacy by Nichole Nordeman would be good. Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. Toast a good Chardonnay, or maybe a Malbec instead.  And please, do not spend money on an obit.  If you do, make it something very, very simple.

Julie Annette...  born, 24Sept in Long Beach, CA. 
Lived a blessed life. Left a legacy. Died and rose to meet her Maker.  Amen!

Or something like that.  Life is good.  I have no regrets.  Tomorrow, I celebrate another year of living.  I am so very, very thankful to all of my friends and family who help me make it so.

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