My day started off simple enough, accompanying Oliver's class of 25 to North Ridge Care Center. Then there were three other classes (and one bus, two trips). Oh, and did I mention that I was the only chaperone for this class? And I was asked by the music teacher to video tape? And by Oliver's teacher to carry the big drum onto the tiny bus, filled to the brim with third graders?
Oh, but before all of this, I had also picked up two other fifth graders and deposited them at their Friday morning music practice by 7:50 am. After that I went to Target for Valentine candy, and then to the doctor for some bloodwork (to check only my cholesterol and blood sugar). I thought there were more routine tests being completed, and felt like a pin cushion, but I guess I'll just stick (pun intended) to the rest of my fun-filled day!

Back in the hall, the second busload of kids arrived and they were all dressed in "old tyme" clothing to sing some songs, approximately 30 minutes worth. The girls were beautiful and the boys dashing... and so were the big kids watching! The tears started flowing as they recognized the songs from their generation and it was truly touching to watch.
At the end of the performance the kids handed out Valentine's that they had made earlier in the week. Each resident got a few and it was awesome to see the smiles and outstretched hands from young to old. My last memory of this care center was packing up my Grandmother's room the day she passed away. So it was quite a moment for me as well... goosebumps and memories!
__** Fast Forward to 2:00 pm ** __
As luck would have it, timing worked out perfectly that I could also share in Henry's last Valentine party of his elementary school years today. This is really my favorite holiday, although I'm not sure many people know that ~ including my husband. Not for the Hallmark reasons, but just for the sheer pleasure of sharing unabashed LOVE. Ever since the boys were little I would show up with enough heart-shaped helium balloons that the boys could hand one out to every classmate.
I was one of four parents this time who walked into a classroom of fifth graders. Organized games and handing out of valentine's was the agenda for the next sixty minutes. The kids were very well-behaved, adorably dressed in red (except my son)
who was dressed in green!
The kids decorated cookies, stacked candy hearts in competition and made picture frames. Oh, and then there was heart bingo. I was in charge of that. The kids rotated stations and I think I called 12 games of bingo. Sitting. On the ground. Hunched over. I am happy to report that I managed to get up at the end of that hour, for fear of embarassment that I might have been stuck all weekend in that criss-cross applesauce position.
The day of being a SAHM-volunteer was a good one. I don't get to do it often, but when I do, it is so very rewarding!
__** Fast Forward to 5:00 pm ** __
JP's valentine present from me was a pizza-making class @ Cooks of Crocus Hill in Edina this past Tuesday. He loved it and learned a few new techniques to make the perfect pizza. While I was gone volunteering, he was out looking for pizza screens for dinner. When I got home he was wrist-deep in dough.
And so the beginning of my four-day weekend was a good one... and I was rewarded with happy hour and home-made pizza by JP.
Life is good.
Life IS good friend........19 days.