Saturday, January 3, 2009

Caught off-guard...

Oliver had his first sleepover last night... after a friend of his called the house and asked if Oliver could play for the afternoon, it turned into a sleepover. Alek was already gone at a friend's house for the evening and Henry too! Suddenly, we were faced with NO CHILDREN in the house. I think I was stunned, at first, but not one to give up on an opportunity like this, we quickly made plans. What?! No kids? No sitters to pay? We got dressed (yes, it was only 5:15 pm and we were already changed into jammies for the night) and made dinner reservations. JP and I had a lovely dinner at Sunsets in Wayzata and then rented the movie 88 Minutes (gotta love Al Pacino).

What a nice surprise... and very spontaneous how it all fell into place! We couldn't have planned such a wonderful evening without kids. We were long overdue.

PS: The cherry on top of the last 24 hours was that I didn't even get out of bed until 8 am this morning!

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