Wednesday, November 5, 2008

In case you were wondering...

about who I really am and what makes me tick... we took the Myers-Briggs type inventory last night in class and I am an ENFP. I would say that it is pretty true to who I am and what I believe. There is obviously no right or wrong way to be, believe or live, but it's amazing how this simple test can pinpoint a person's individuality.

Guess who else is an ENFP??

Barack Obama—no one will be surprised to learn—is an Idealist. His specific type is an ENFP, what Keirsey calls "the Champion." ENFPs, says Keirsey, are "filled with conviction that they can easily motivate those around them." Champions work to "kindle, to rouse, to encourage, even to inspire those close to them with their enthusiasm." Idealists "usually have a tongue of silver" and are "gifted in seeing the possibilities" of institutions and people. Here's Obama on leadership: "[W]e need leaders to inspire us. Some are thinking about our constraints, and others are thinking about limitless possibility."

More here on the Champion!

And a little commentary from me this morning after the big election win:

It is a good day in the USA... although there are many who do not share the same sentiment (JP being one of them). This too shall pass. I am excited for the new change and positive attitude. It will be amazing to watch and see how Obama evolves into a new world leader. It is nice to hear he has support from overseas too! I didn't stay up for his speech (have it on DVR) and look forward to hearing it later. I did hear a bit about the puppy for the girls and thought that was cute. My boys are jealous that the girls get to live in the White House, but I assured them it wasn't all "roses and fun". They now think Dad should run for President so they get the same opportunity some day. Giggle.

Oh, and my friend, Kathi Hemken won the election for New Hope Mayor and the VOTE YES Campaign for Dist. 281 was passed!! JP logged many hours on the phone bank to get out the word for our kids and the schools. It's a good day.

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