Monday, June 2, 2008

Sunday was a day of clean up from the storm the night before. Down the street, people began emerging from slumber and headed into their yards with rakes and bags. The hum of the power tools began at sun-up and went well beyond sunset. I hope that the garbage haulers have pity on us and do not charge by the bag for haul away this week.

Halfway through the day the contractors started combing the neighborhood in their trucks, going from one driveway to another, like buzzards to roadkill. Signs now litter yards "claiming the job" where leaves once sat. We called our insurance company but have yet to identify our contractor for repair.

We skipped church in favor of visiting the farmers' market to replace our lost vegetables and herbs. I also purchased and planted some flowers for the window boxes. We were all pretty exhausted at the end of the day!

May this week's weather be good to us!

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