Truth be told, I am a tad envious of these two ladies, and well, quite frankly the neighbor next door. You see, I always wanted a big family, and I believe I've shared that here before. However, as it turns out, the way for my dreams to become a "large family" were woven quite differently than I originally thought they would be. I saw myself having six children of my own. However, He showed me another way, and that while they would not all reside in my home, there would be six children born to me. As part of my dreaming as a child, I also envisioned large gatherings of loved ones near me at holidays, and for that, He provided me with my husband's family. Because JP is one of eleven children, the gatherings are overflowing with family, especially when those spread across the country are all home at once.
Because I have come to know and follow so many women's stories, rescuing the orphan has become something that is now a part of my daily prayers. I encourage you to do the same. Say a prayer for the mother who has given life... and the mother who has chosen to adopt... and for the children... who are waiting for someone to gather them into their arms and show them love.
And if you feel a tug at your heartstrings, and prayer isn't enough... GO! love. rescue. Follow your heart and His will.
"Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?" Isaiah 6:8
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