Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I'm going on a diet.  Yes, I need to lose a little weight, but I'm talking about emotional baggage this time and not the few extra pounds leftover from April.  Don't judge.  We all have a little leftover regret or "forgiven" but not forgotten hanging around, don't we?  I sure do.  Lately I find myself drawn to tragedy in the news, unable to turn it off, somehow willing all of my prayers to others and coming up exhausted at the end of the day.

I was out on Amazon this morning (buying a time-wasting clock for my boss, no joke) and discovered a "recommended for you" book title is The Joy Diet.  I read the foreward online and a few pages into it, I am hooked and I believe that this book would be a good one to add to my Kindle.  I have even recently dusted off the Kindle (i.e., recharged it on the kitchen counter) and will download this one tonight to begin reading. 

It takes 21 days to form a new habit.  Reading for pleasure is one of those habits I need to find time to incorporate into my day.  According to Martha Beck, so is spending a few moments in silence, with myself, as the first step in the Joy Diet. 

In addition to reading this book, I am also going to take on the E100 challenge at church.  Wish me luck.  Keep me honest and ask how I'm doing.

Day One starts tonight!

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