Thursday, November 27, 2008

JP and the boys sang at the Thanksgiving eve service on Wednesday night... it was a nice evening to spend together. I had Alek come home from his father's house for the night, and my parents and Uncle Jim & Aunt Marty also came for the event. Among many other things, I am thankful for family.

JP thinks he's a little off-key and blaming the headset not working... it's still music to MY ears! More video to come of the kids' performance.

1 comment:

  1. Go JP!!! They sound really good, and JP has a great voice.

    Also...I love your blinkie, and what it stands for. I am not sure where you got it, or if you know where those six B's originated from.

    See some excerpts here:

    and the full text here:

    These B's were given in a broadcast to the youth of our church in 2000 by the prophet at the time, President Gordon B. Hinckley, who has since passed away. I have been working on teaching them to my kids lately, as they are too little to have part of the broadcast.

    Thought it might be of benefit or interest to you.

    Hope you are feeling well these days!
